Pioneering Pharma
EPM Therapeutics is reshaping the biopharmaceutical field by developing pure, pharmaceutical-grade cannabinoid therapies. Their mission is to transform lives and offer hope to millions through the untapped potential of cannabinoid-based treatments. Leading this vision is their flagship program, EPM301, which targets Prader-Willi Syndrome with an innovative solution that addresses critical unmet medical needs. EPM Therapeutics is at the forefront of merging cutting-edge science with the therapeutic power of cannabinoids to create a new standard in medicine.
“We’re harnessing the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids, much like the transformation of other plant-based medicines, but with a key distinction: it’s designed to be effective, reliable, and without the concerns of dependency.”
Key Orphan Drug Market Insights
Global Orphan Drugs Market 2023, projected to $505B by 2032
U.S. Orphan Drugs Market 2022
CAGR for U.S. Orphan Drugs Market 2023-2030
+ Our Vision and Commitment
Redefining Cannabinoid Perception
EPM Therapeutics is dedicated to reshaping the perception of cannabinoids by transforming outdated stigmas into widespread recognition of their significant value as safe, effective, and well-regulated pharmaceutical solutions.
Pioneering Pharmaceutical Excellence
We are dedicated to leading the way in developing pure, pharmaceutical-grade cannabinoid therapies. Our focus is on transforming cannabinoids into precise, targeted treatments for debilitating diseases, delivering powerful solutions that are both innovative and effective.
Innovative Solutions
Our lead program, EPM301, embodies our commitment to excellence by delivering a cannabinoid-based treatment that meets the highest standards of safety and efficacy for Prader-Willi Syndrome.
+ Understanding Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)
Prader-Willi Syndrome is a rare, life-altering genetic disorder that leads to severe obesity, intellectual disabilities, and growth challenges. With approximately 12,000 patients in the U.S. alone, PWS presents significant unmet medical needs. The current lack of effective treatments imposes a tremendous burden on patients and their caregivers, who are often left managing complex symptoms like excessive appetite, obesity, anxiety, and depression.
0% of (PWS) patients are cured
there is no cure for the condition. Treatments are focused on symptom management and improving quality of life, but the underlying genetic disorder cannot be fully corrected with current medical approaches.
12,000 patients in the U.S.
The current lack of effective treatments imposes a tremendous burden on patients and their caregivers, who are often left managing complex symptoms like excessive appetite, obesity, anxiety, and depression.
800 deaths annually
Up to 800 deaths annually. The main causes of death are obesity-related complications, respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and sudden death.
+ Addressing the Critical Needs of Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)


Significant Unmet Need
No cure for Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS); current interventions focus on managing excessive appetite (hyperphagia), obesity, and neurological issues like sleepiness, depression, and anxiety.


Caregiver Burden
Caregivers must enforce strict diet restrictions and manage multiple quality-of-life challenges.


EPM Solution
EPM is developing EPM301, a stable API in chewable liquid soft gel form, aimed at addressing the main challenges of PWS, particularly for pediatric patients and their caregivers.


Efficacy of EPM301
Pre-clinical studies show that EPM301 significantly reduces body weight and food intake in PWS models and prevents weight gain in standard diets. Additionally, it may help manage anxiety, depression, and sleep patterns.
+ EPM301: A Revolutionary Treatment for PWS


Innovative Formulation
EPM301 is a proprietary, stable API formulated as a convenient chewable liquid soft gel, tailored to the specific needs of the pediatric population and their caregivers.


Promising Pre-clinical Results
In pre-clinical studies, EPM301 has shown remarkable efficacy in reducing body weight, curbing excessive appetite, and managing associated neuropsychiatric symptoms.


Comprehensive Treatment Approach
Our goal is to provide a therapeutic solution that not only addresses the physical aspects of PWS but also improves overall quality of life for patients and their families.
+ The Future of Pharma-Grade Cannabis
EPM is more than a company; it's a movement. We are dedicated to advancing the science of cannabis to unlock its full potential as a mainstream pharmaceutical treatment. As we move forward, we aim to demonstrate that cannabis can be a cornerstone of modern medicine, delivering safe, effective, and well-regulated treatments for conditions that currently have limited options.
+ Market Research and Growth Potential


Market Growth
The global pharmaceutical cannabis market is poised for significant growth, driven by increasing recognition of cannabis's therapeutic potential and the demand for safer, more effective treatment options.


Regulatory Evolution
As regulatory frameworks evolve and public perception shifts, pharma-grade cannabis is expected to become a key player in the biopharmaceutical industry.


EPM's Position
EPM is uniquely positioned to lead this transformation, with a robust pipeline of cannabis-derived therapies that adhere to the highest standards of clinical excellence.
+ Join Us in Transforming Medicine
EPM Therapeutics is not just offering a product - we're pioneering a new paradigm in healthcare. By harnessing the healing power of nature through rigorous science, we're poised to change the world and help millions. This is your chance to be part of this groundbreaking journey.
+ Fuel Our Mission
EPM plans to use the $2-3 million primarily to advance its lead program, EPM301, toward a pre-IND (Investigational New Drug) meeting with the FDA, covering costs such as regulatory preparations, preclinical studies, and product formulation. The funds will also support general corporate purposes to sustain ongoing operations.
For investors, the upside lies in getting in early on a company targeting a large unmet medical need in Prader-Willi Syndrome. With successful trials and regulatory approval, the market potential could lead to significant returns, especially given the orphan drug designations and possible Priority Review Voucher resale value


Make an Impact
This investment represents an opportunity to shape the future of medicine alongside our trailblazing team.


Understand the Opportunity
We'll conduct in-depth market research on the pharma-grade cannabis industry, consumer trends, regulations, and competition.
Investor Potential: Key Financial Highlights
Team: EPM is led by a small team of biopharmaceutical executives with over 100 years’ experience in the growth and development, value creation and exit of international biopharmaceutical companies. This team has overseen the successful exit of greater than $6 billion in biopharmaceutical value.
90% - 375%
Stock Value Increase:
Small biotech companies developing treatments for rare diseases, especially those with Orphan Drug Designation like EPM301, have seen their stock values increase significantly after successful clinical trials and regulatory approvals. For example, companies in similar positions have experienced stock price growth of 90% to 375% after key milestones, such as FDA approval or successful Phase 3 trial results.
$200M - $500M
Million Annual Revenue:
Due to the Orphan Drug Designation, EPM301 is eligible for 7 years of market exclusivity in the U.S. and 10 years in the EU upon approval. During this period, the drug could potentially generate annual revenues of $200 million to $500 million, depending on pricing, market penetration, and the patient population reached.
2x - 5x
Company Valuation Increase:
Based on recent trends, companies like EPM, focused on rare diseases with significant unmet needs, can see their valuations increase by 2x to 5x post-approval. This means that early-stage investments of $2-3 million could potentially result in a company valuation ranging from $100 million to $300 million as the product advances through the clinical pipeline and approaches commercialization.
Key Studies
Groundbreaking research by leading scientists has uncovered the vast potential of cannabinoids in pharmaceutical applications. Studies have shown the efficacy of cannabidiolic acid methyl ester (EPM301) in addressing critical needs for rare diseases like Prader-Willi syndrome.
+ Professor Raphael Mechoulam +
Professor Raphael Mechoulam, often hailed as the "father of cannabis research," recently introduced cannabidiolic acid methyl ester (EPM301), a stabilized, synthetic cannabinoid acid with significant pharmaceutical potential. Unlike traditional cannabinoids like THC and CBD, EPM301 is derived from primary acids, known for their higher potency but previously too unstable for clinical use. Mechoulam’s pioneering work has led to over 14 patented molecules and could redefine treatments for conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis.
Recognized globally, Mechoulam’s groundbreaking contributions have earned him numerous prestigious awards, including the Israel Prize and the Harvey Prize. His work continues to be highly respected at leading institutions like the Hebrew University, where he has advanced cannabinoid research for decades

The New York Times

Raphael Mechoulam, ‘Father of Cannabis Research,’ Dies at 92 (Published 2023)

His work helped break down the chemical structures of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, to figure out how cannabis makes users high.

During the last 60 years the relevance for human health and disease of cannabis (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica) ingredients, like the psychoactive compound Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol, 120+ cannabinoids and 440+ non-cannabinoid compounds, has become apparent [1]. THC was identified in 1964, and approximately 30 years later (in 1992), the molecular reasons for the biological activity of cannabis extracts were made clearer by the discovery of anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine). The latter is the first member of a new family of bioactive lipids collectively termed “endocannabinoids”, that are able to bind to the same receptors activated by THC. In addition to endocannabinoids (that include several N-acylethanolamines and acylesters), a complex array of receptors, metabolic enzymes, transporters (transmembrane, intracellular and extracellular carriers) were discovered, and altogether they form a so-called “endocannabinoid system” that finely tunes the manifold biological activities of endocannabinoids themselves [2].
+ Next Steps
Market Research Initiative
To strengthen our market positioning, we will conduct in-depth research focusing on:
• The projected growth and trends within the pharma-grade cannabinoid market.
• Shifts in consumer perceptions and attitudes toward cannabinoid-derived pharmaceuticals.
• Regulatory frameworks across key markets.
• Competitive landscape analysis, identifying strengths and gaps among existing pharma-grade cannabinoid products.
Communication Strategy
Develop a communication strategy that positions EPM as a visionary leader in the evolution of cannabinoid-based therapies. The focus should be on demonstrating a paradigm shift—from outdated perceptions of cannabis to a new era of precision-engineered, pharmaceutical-grade cannabinoid solutions. The strategy will emphasize:
Transformative Innovation: Highlight EPM’s pioneering approach in developing pure, stable, and rigorously regulated cannabinoid molecules, setting a new standard for safety and efficacy in therapeutic applications.
Scientific Rigor and Excellence: Elevate the conversation by underscoring the extensive research, patented discoveries, and high-level academic partnerships driving EPM’s mission. This includes spotlighting the scientific breakthrough of EPM301 and its potential to address un
Forge Strategic Partnerships
We have already established key partnerships with leading research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and advocacy groups, and we are committed to expanding these collaborations. By deepening existing alliances and forming new ones, we aim to further accelerate product development, broaden our market reach, and reinforce EPM’s position as a leader in pharma-grade cannabinoids. These strategic relationships will continue to fast-track our innovations, facilitate regulatory pathways, and amplify our global impact.

EPM Therapuetics

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